近來 我很喜歡這個歌手 Tay Zonday
25歲的黑人 作詞 作曲 主唱 真的棒極了
他長的很像很像一個普通人,完全沒有一個歌手應有的浪漫樣子,有幾首歌 還會看到他穿著短褲坐在鋼琴前邊唱邊彈。
這首歌 很像我的心靈 我就是那種一直離開,一直消失的人
---------------------------------- Someday I Must say goodbye
Will you believe in yourself When I'm not at your side
Someday you
I don't know who
Ther'll be someone To hold you when I'm through
Someday I will fly you
to the moon and we can dance forever
Someday all my nights awake
They're' what I left for you to take
Someday when the mountains sing
You'll close your eyes and hear my name
Someday I'll be talked about
I failed a lot but tried to help
I love you child
But someday I'll be gone